Monday, March 13, 2017

Week 1 in the Field and behold, we did tract for an exceedingly long time. therefore we were exhaustingly tired

Hey yall!!! Im in Florida Now!!!!

My address for mail:
4468 Governors st.
Pace, Florida 32571

So last Monday, my district got to host the senior missionaries that were coming into the missionary training center. Only, i had left my coat in my residence hall and my job was to direct traffic. the people in charge of us made me use a lender coat that they had. when i put it on, it was 3 times too big. so imagine short little me drowning in this big huge coat meant for somebody with longer arms than I had.
On Tuesday, i flew out to Florida. we had a layover in Atlanta Georgia where i met some interesting people. I definitely caught up on sleep that day being as i had like a 5 hour flight and i slept through all of it! In the salt lake city airport, there was this sweet lady who stopped me and my companion to offer us the use of her cell phone. She worked at one of the food places in the airport. When i told her that i would think about it while i went to fill up my water bottle, she offered to fill up my water bottle with ice and water. Then she told us how every Monday and Tuesday she brings her phone because she has unlimited minutes and lets the missionaries use it so that they don't have to pay to use a phone. It was really nice of her to do that. When we got to the mission home, they fed us Chinese food for dinner and ice cream!!! it was so yummy!!
That night, us new missionaries got to stay in a hotel for the night. Let's just say that it was an interesting night for us sister missionaries. hahaha.
Right as we walked to get our luggage at the airport, the mission president and his assistants had us walk around the airport and give out pass along cards. there weren't very many people in the airport to do that because it was a small airport and there were more missionaries than there were people.
This past week I got to teach my first 2 investigators. One of them is a sweet old lady who feeds us lunch every Wednesday. She always has fun stories to tell us about when she was younger and she has 2 dogs. one does tricks and the other snores really loudly.
The other investigator is a man who used to work on trains. we got to teach him at the bishop's house where they fed us a green dinner. literally the bishops wife dyed everything green. Because you are called a greeny when you first exit the Missionary Training center. It was super good food. Zucchini muffins, an egg casserole, and a green smoothie.
TRACTING:  we didn't have very many appointments this past week so we went door to door to share our message with people.  the first day we went tracting, we knocked on this 90 year old lady's house. The lady had dementia and invited us in to her house thinking we were friends of her Son's girlfriend. Well the girlfriend came into the house carrying groceries and didn't notice we were there sitting on the couch. The 90 year old lady, (Thelma) introduced us to the girlfriend saying, " Sophie, your friends are here. they came to see you". WE kind of caught Sophie off guard and she was alarmed to see 2 girls sitting in her living room. She was really nice to us but claimed she wasn't religious and told us that she would pass on our information to her boyfriend.
TRACTING PART 2: yesterday, we walked to visit a less active member and Then yesterday on our way home, we stopped and talked to this lady outside her yard and she invited us into her backyard to show us her turkeys and chickens. She had like 5 turkeys and 30 chickens. she also had 8 cats and 3 dogs. She lived by herself. Before we left, she gave us a dozen chicken eggs and 2 turkey eggs. one of the turkey eggs had poop on it and she picked up the turkey egg and licked one of her thumbs and started trying to get the turkey poop off the egg. (it did not come off). then after doing that, with the same hand that touched the poop, she started touching her face with it. It was so GROSSS!!! haha. we set up an appointment with her to teach her family history.

MY INVITATION TO YOU ALL THIS WEEK: USE FAMILY HISTORY AS A TOOL TO DO MEMBER MISSIONARY WORK TO INVITE PEOPLE TO COME UNTO CHRIST!!! Family History is something that has been helping us missionaries here in the south be able to make appointments to teach people.

"Pray as if everything depends on God, but work as if everything depends on you."
"Behold i have given unto my gospel, and this is the gospel, which i have given unto you-that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my father sent me." -3 Nephi 27: 13

Love you all!!! I will send pictures in a second email!!

Sister Lewis

P.S. I forgot to mention that this Wednesday i will have been out on my mission for a month!!!
P.P.S My p-days are every Monday while i am serving in Pace. I do not have a tablet anymore, but still send me emails or even snail mail!! I only get 2 hours on P-days to email at the library.
love you all!!
Sister Lewis

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