It has been a good week!
Last monday, we went to a middle school basket ball game with a member. It was alot of fun!
Tuesday: We had district meeting, and I was asked to play the piano. So i chose hymn 237. Only i have not played that one in a while so when i played it, i kept messing up. O well. Practice makes perfect. We had lessons on how we can better listen to the Holy Ghost and I felt that was very inspired. This past week I have been studying on Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. And I feel that God wants me to be more in tune with the Spirit. I know he has something in store for me.
We did exchanges on Tuesday. I went with Sister Shank, who has become one of my good friends. We worked in Pace. Went to our first lesson of the day which was our investigator, Jack. We went in thinking that we were going to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but when we got talking, I realized that he was struggling to comprehend some of the terms. We went over 3 Nephi 11 and as we did this, I received a prompting to ask Jack to be baptized. So i followed my prompting, and asked him, "If you come to know these things are true, will you be baptized by someone holding the Priesthood Authority of God?" and guess what he said?!?! He said yes!! So we are going to work with him and set a baptism date.
On wednesday, we had lunch with the Donohoe Family, and she cut some vinyl for us to have. We then went to the young women's activity and made scrunchies for the temple baptistry. It was alot of fun. I forgot how bad i sew...
Thursday, We helped at bishop's storehouse, and I got to see Sister Renfro! It was a hoot to hang out with her for a short while.
Long story short about this week, I have been able to touch a few people's lives and I have been able to find out what my purpose on my mission is. I love teaching and sharing the gospel! I love to meet new people and help them to feel of God's love.
My spiritual thought for the week is Mosiah chapter 4. I invite yall to read it and then share your insights with somebody.
Love yall!
Sister Lewis
P.S. check out this blog of our mission:
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Baskin Robbins round 2 |
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Blue Berry Bash |
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Blue Berry Festival Red Tongues |
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Elder Uceda |